Marbelite Carries A Full Line Of Replacement Parts For M-30 And NC100 Traffic Controllers
- Trays
- Dust covers
- Dust cover bars
- Contacts
- Cams
- Camshafts
- Slides
- Switching motors
- Segment gears
- Buss bars
- Closing link brackets
- Endplates
- Dial mounting brackets
- Motor mounting plates
- and others
Dial Replacement Parts
- Keys
- Motors
- Index locks
- Dial housings
- Dial shafts
- Mounting brackets
- Offset relay
- Switch housings
- Gears
- Support pivots
- Contacts
- Dial housing pivots
- Dial mounting brackets
- Dial Motor mounting plates
- and others
Replacement Parts
- Phase modules
- Ring modules
- Processor modules
- Control cards
- Regulator cards
- Power supplies
- Housings
- 2,4, and 8 phase motherboards
- as well as replacement parts for 4 and 8 phase timers
- Load switches
- Conflict Monitors
- Loop detectors
- Telemetry units